Kristel Fulgar Reveals Surgery in Korea Due to Leg Tumor

Kristel Fulgar bravely opened up about her health journey, shedding light on her recent surgery in Korea to remove a tumor discovered in her leg.

In a candid vlog posted on her YouTube channel, the content creator shared the ordeal she faced after finding a lump in her calf area back in 2022. Describing it as one of the toughest challenges she has encountered, Kristel admitted that her condition took a toll on her mental health, triggering anxiety and countless sleepless nights filled with worries.

After undergoing tests, Kristel received the diagnosis of schwannoma, a rare tumor that forms in the nervous system. While benign in most cases, there was a possibility of it turning malignant, prompting her decision to undergo surgery.

It took Kristel a year to come to terms with the necessity of surgery, especially as the tumor showed signs of growth. Eventually, she made the difficult choice to have it removed, opting for treatment in Korea. During her hospital stay, her partner, Suhyuk, and friend, Moi, took turns caring for her, offering invaluable support during her recovery process.

Despite the challenges, Kristel decided to return to the Philippines to continue her healing journey, with her mother eagerly awaiting her arrival to provide loving care and support.

Kristel Fulgar's bravery in sharing her health battle serves as an inspiration, highlighting the importance of addressing medical concerns and seeking necessary treatment. Her journey reminds us of the resilience within us and the invaluable support of loved ones during times of adversity.


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