Michael Pacquiao Opens Up About Bullying: 'I Was Bullied Because of My Appearance'

Michael Pacquiao, 22, bravely shares the struggles he faced, including bullying and depression, despite being the son of world boxing champion Manny Pacquiao.

Despite his affluent background as the second of Manny and Jinkee Pacquiao's five children, Michael reveals that he experienced bullying and even battled depression.

While pursuing his passion as an aspiring musician, Michael encountered misconceptions and challenges, with some doubting his achievements and attributing them solely to his family's status.

"People think, ‘Just because you're a Pacquiao, you have a lot of money,’ but it's not like that," Michael candidly expressed during a YouTube interview with Julius Babao on May 11, 2023.

In a more detailed discussion with content creator Ned Adriano in December 2022, Michael elaborated on his experiences with bullying and depression, emphasizing the profound impact these struggles had on him.

"I was bullied because of my appearance. I’m not guwapo. No one really wanted to talk to me. Because of my name also. They were afraid. Most of the time in school, I would hear… make fun of me, saka they would make fun of my face, my name, tsaka backstab me. Talk behind your back, " Michael Pacquiao said.

Michael Experienced Bullying:

Michael recalls being bullied during his high school years in General Santos City, his parents' hometown. Despite his international school background, he faced isolation and mockery due to his appearance and surname.

"I couldn't fit in because of my Pacquiao background, so they thought I was just an English speaker," Michael shared. "People thought I was being arrogant, and I didn't have many friends."

He further revealed the hurtful remarks he endured, often from individuals he considered friends, who mocked his appearance and name and engaged in gossip behind his back.

Despite the adversity, Michael remains grateful for the genuine friendships he formed during that time, acknowledging the support of those who stood by him.

Going Through Depression:

Michael also bravely discusses his battle with depression, revealing that he once contemplated self-harm. Initially hesitant to confide in his parents, he eventually sought solace in their guidance and prayers.

Reflecting on his journey, Michael emphasizes the importance of seeking support and not allowing feelings of sadness to dictate one's actions. He encourages others facing similar struggles to recognize that they are not alone and to focus on positive outlets for coping and healing.

Money Is Not Everything:

Addressing misconceptions about wealth and happiness, Michael challenges the notion that financial privilege guarantees fulfillment. Despite his family's prosperity, he acknowledges that material wealth does not equate to inner peace.

Instead, Michael finds joy in simple pleasures and meaningful connections, emphasizing the value of genuine relationships over material possessions.

In sharing his story, Michael hopes to inspire and uplift others, emphasizing the importance of resilience, faith, and supportive relationships in overcoming life's challenges.


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