Japanese Dog of 'Doge' Meme Fame Dies

Kabosu, the beloved Shiba Inu who became the face of the "Doge" meme and inspired the Dogecoin cryptocurrency, passed away on May 24, 2024, at the age of 19. Kabosu's owner, Atsuko Sato, shared the news on her blog and social media, expressing gratitude to the fans who supported Kabosu throughout her life.

"She quietly passed away as if asleep while I caressed her," Sato wrote. "Thank you all so much for loving Kabosu all these years. I am certain Kabosu was the happiest dog in the world. That makes me the happiest owner in the world."

Kabosu had been battling leukemia and liver disease, with her health declining over the past two years. Despite these challenges, she continued to be a symbol of joy and positivity for millions worldwide.

Adopted by Sato from an animal shelter in 2008, Kabosu was one of 19 Shiba Inus rescued after their puppy mill shut down. Her rise to internet fame began in 2010 when a photo of her with crossed paws and a slight smirk was posted on Reddit and Tumblr. This image, referred to as "Doge" by a Reddit user, quickly spread across the internet. The meme typically features Comic Sans text with phrases like "Wow. So scare" and "What r u doing?" surrounding Kabosu's image.

In 2013, the Doge meme inspired the creation of Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency that started as a joke but gained a significant following, partly due to endorsements from celebrities like Elon Musk. Kabosu's face became synonymous with the currency, which at one point had a market capitalization of $23 billion. Dogecoin even became the sleeve sponsor for Watford Football Club and was briefly used as the icon for the Twitter home button in April 2023.

Kabosu's influence extended beyond memes and cryptocurrency. Her presence on Atsuko Sato's blog, which was among the top five pet blogs in Japan, showcased her gentle and calm temperament, a stark contrast to the typical Shiba Inu's demeanor. Sato often expressed her desire to shower Kabosu with love, making up for the neglect she experienced early in life.

To honor Kabosu's memory, a farewell party was planned for Sunday at Flower Kaori in Kotsu no Mori, Narita City. Fans and friends were invited to celebrate the life of a dog who brought smiles and laughter to so many.

Kabosu's legacy as the Doge meme will continue to live on, reminding us all of the power of a single image to connect and entertain people across the globe.


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